Wednesday, 25 June 2008

EURO 2008 quiz: semi-final!

We are coming close to the final. To reach that, you should answer this extra-question:

Extra-question 6: how will the game Russia vs. Spain end?

Write the exact result not later than Thursday, 8pm CET, by comment - and please do not forget to leave your (User-)name.

Furthermore, here's another fan-question (see photo above of a fan at the World Cup 2006): did she support

a. Angola, b. Ghana or c. Togo?

Easy, isn't it? Just write in your comment.
Older fan-questions - see earlier posts below - you can still answer until June 29. They may give you many points needed to win prizes. What to win? My photo-book “Roll Over, Lenin!” and 3 photographic edition-prints. So, hurry up, or follow the Turkish “last-minute” strategy.

Good luck,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Russia vs Spain: Russia wins 3:1

The girl must have supported Ghana, or?
