Thursday, 5 June 2008

game tactics

Here some tactical instructions on the game:

Rule 1: the extra-questions you better answer right away – they have a very short deadline. Game delays will be punished immediately here! And watch out for future extra-questions – I'll post 1 or 2 of them weekly until June 27.

Rule 2: check out each fan-portrait carefully and answer the attached questions. The fan-questions have to be answered latest by June 29, 17.00pm (CET), either in single comments or by one complete post. Until end of EURO 2008 I will put about 10 more fan-portraits online, so stay tuned.

Rule 3: how to get into the game? Either by subscribing with email (all new posts coming directly into your mailbox) or by marking a RSS-Feed. Or simply by showing up daily to the training session here. Wrte your answers through click on "post a comment".

Game analysis:

Until now we had 3 fan-portraits – check out carefully the questions coming with them!

- Shaun, USA (click here!)
- Cecile and Vanessa, France (click here!)
- an unidentified fan at the Hamburg public-viewing (click here!)

The current extra-questions you find here (click)

What to win? My photo-book “Roll Over, Lenin!” and 3 signed photographs from my photo-archive.

Good luck!


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